Australia has a high rate of illicit drug use compared to the rest of the world. It is no doubt then that many people are caught by police for possession of illicit drugs (typically cocaine, ecstasy, marijuana). A drug charge can have effects on future job prospects and international travel amongst other things.
Contact Brian Walker Criminal Lawyers now (02) 7258 2369 to discuss your case.
Australia has a well publicised campaign against domestic violence. As part of this, police have a pro-active policy to prosecute domestic violence offences and the courts fast-track domestic violence matters.
The stigma associated with domestic violence combined with the police’s pro-active policy to prosecute domestic violence offences and the courts having a fast-tracked approach to hearing domestic violence matters can sometimes leave the rights of the accused wanting.
If you have been charged with a domestic violence offence, make sure you call Brian Walker Criminal Lawyers to discuss your case (02) 7258 2369
Book a Sydney Criminal Lawyer to give you the best defence now!
Having your assets frozen, restrained, and forfeited can have a devastating affect on peoples life, often leaving them with no funds for the necessities of life.
It’s imperative that if you are caught up in proceeds of crime action you obtain the best representation to assess, discuss, and navigate a path for you.
That isn’t all. There is also the Taxation Administration Act and a bunch of other acts specific to certain taxation matters. It is impossible to adequately deal with threats and/or enforcement action from the ATO without the necessary advice.
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