
Custody and Control Part of the POCA regime is to allow the Official Trustee (being AFSA) to take custody and control of property covered by a restraining order if the court is satisfied that this is required. This is obviously required to give effect to restraining orders and stop people dissipating certain property.


Production Orders A production order is a Magistrate made order under the application of an AFP Officer for documents. The documents requested have a broad ambit,[1] and are predominantly aimed at identifying, locating or quantifying property for POCA proceedings. The test is that the Magistrate is satisfied by information on oath that the person is […]Continue reading


Ancillary Orders The court that made a restraining order, or any other court that could have made the restraining order, may make any ancillary orders.[1] Ancillary orders are generally directed at giving effect to restraining orders inter alia. Ancillary order examples include: An order directing the suspect in relation to the restraining order to give […]Continue reading


Monitoring Orders A Monitoring Order is a judge made order which is made on the application of the AFP to order a financial institution provide information on transactions conducted on a credit or debit card. To make the order, the judge must be satisfied that there are reasonable grounds to suspect that the person who holds […]Continue reading


Exclusion from forfeiture If a forfeiture order was made under section 47 or 49 POCA, a court must make an order excluding a specified interest in property from forfeiture if the court is satisfied that the applicant’s interest in the property is neither of the following: proceeds of unlawful activity;[1] an instrument of any serious […]Continue reading


Compensation Orders The purpose of compensation orders is to compensate for proportions of property not derived or realised from the commission of any offence. A court that made a forfeiture order (or that is hearing, or is going to hear an application for a forfeiture order) must make a compensation order[1] if: a person has […]Continue reading