

Family Law Court

When a relationship breaks down, disputes often arise around the division of assets between both partners and who will have custody of any children, and under what conditions. Be sure to engage a barrister to ensure you get the best share of family assets and child custody afforded to you within the full extent of the law.

After a couple’s relationship broke down, there was a dispute about who their only child should live with. I was acting for the father who was seeking sole custody. During a 3 day hearing at Parramatta Family Law Court, I had the opportunity of cross examining the defendant mother, and other people involved in the child’s life about inter alia what would be in the best interests of the child concerned. This is the paramount consideration under the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) contained within section 60CA. After the 3 day hearing, the learned Judge was of the view that sole custody should be granted to my client, being the applicant father and as such the order was made. This was a great result for my client who can now move forward with his family life knowing that he has sole custody of his child as per the Family Law Court order.

During a messy separation, my client was concerned about losing his fair share of the family home and was also concerned about the cost of legal expenses. Initially his partner did not agree to a 50/50 split of the family home and wanted to litigate the matter. Through protracted negotiations with her legal representatives, it was agreed that the matter could be finalised by a 50/50 split with consent, therefore potentially saving hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees. This resulted in my client receiving approximately $400,000 as part of his settlement. A great result for my client who can now get on with his life.

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Brian Walker of Clarence Chambers practices as a sole practitioner barrister at the NSW Bar, not as a law firm.