
While uncommon, the legal system allows private individuals to bring criminal charges against someone, provided certain legal requirements are met. This right reflects the principle that justice should not solely depend on state authorities but also permit individuals to take action when public prosecution may not occur. However, private prosecutions are a complex area of […]Continue reading


Cryptocurrency is a highly volatile and relatively new market / method of exchanging wealth. Whilst certain KYC (know your customer) legislation exists, the cryptocurrency medium is still in its infancy. It is attractive to money launderer’s as it provides a good medium to transfer wealth whilst not recognising borders and remaining pseudonymous. The rise of […]Continue reading


There is an obligation for a registered health practitioner to notify the National Board for their profession (e.g. medical, dental, pharmacy etc) within 7 days of being charged with a criminal offence which is punishable by 12 months of imprisonment or more. Many criminal offences carry penalties punishable by 12 months imprisonment or more. As […]Continue reading


Section 24 of the Proceeds of Crimes Act 2002 (Cth) allows the defendant to apply for an allowance for living expenses amongst other things and in certain circumstances to be provided from restrained property. In the recent case of The Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police v Memon (No. 2) [2020] NSWSC 1636, a tender of evidence concerning […]Continue reading