
Proceeds of Crime Examinations Compulsory examinations are one of the most powerful tools that come out of the POCA. They are broadly analogous to coercive examination powers contained in state confiscation legislation (which is run by the NSW Crime Commission in NSW), and coercive examination powers in ICAC inquiries. Often Examinations are sought in the […]Continue reading


Custody and Control Part of the POCA regime is to allow the Official Trustee (being AFSA) to take custody and control of property covered by a restraining order if the court is satisfied that this is required. This is obviously required to give effect to restraining orders and stop people dissipating certain property.


Production Orders A production order is a Magistrate made order under the application of an AFP Officer for documents. The documents requested have a broad ambit,[1] and are predominantly aimed at identifying, locating or quantifying property for POCA proceedings. The test is that the Magistrate is satisfied by information on oath that the person is […]Continue reading


Ancillary Orders The court that made a restraining order, or any other court that could have made the restraining order, may make any ancillary orders.[1] Ancillary orders are generally directed at giving effect to restraining orders inter alia. Ancillary order examples include: An order directing the suspect in relation to the restraining order to give […]Continue reading


Monitoring Orders A Monitoring Order is a judge made order which is made on the application of the AFP to order a financial institution provide information on transactions conducted on a credit or debit card. To make the order, the judge must be satisfied that there are reasonable groundsĀ to suspect that the person who holds […]Continue reading


Proceeds of Crime Search Warrants POCA Search Warrants are substantially similar to standard Federal level search warrants contained in the Crimes Act 1914 (Cth).[1] A POCA Search Warrant is a Magistrate issued search warrant, which is issued if the Magistrate is satisfied that there are reasonable groundsĀ for suspecting that there is at the premises, or […]Continue reading


Disclosure of POCA Obtained Information[1] As POCA information is contained in a coercive manner, there are constraints around when it can be disclosed. Section 266A POCA applies to information obtained from: Sworn statements,[2] including sworn statements made by the suspect in relation to a restraining order,[3] a sworn statement made by an owner or previous […]Continue reading


Proceeds of Crime Freezing Orders A Freezing Order is a Magistrate issued order that a financial institution not allow a withdrawal from an account with the institution if there are reasonable grounds to suspect (broadly) that the balance of the account is proceeds of an indictable offence, or is wholly or partly an instrument of […]Continue reading